Due to COVID-19, many dental offices have adopted restricted hours and services. However, at Lee, Bonfiglio, Vesey, and Associates, a dentist in Annapolis, MD, we make sure you still have access to emergency procedures. But what’s considered a dental emergency? And what should you do if you experience one?
Handling a Dental Emergency
The first thing you should do if you find yourself with a dental emergency is to call our office immediately. We want to get you seen and taken care of as soon as possible. Below are some common dental emergencies you may experience and what you can do to help until you’re seen in the office:
Severe Tooth Pain
Tooth pain, particularly if it’s sharp and comes on suddenly, isn’t something you should just brush off. There are many dental conditions that can cause you a lot of pain. These include severe tooth decay, an abscess, or an infection. Many times, you won’t be able to tell exactly which condition is causing the pain without a dentist examining it. Take over the counter pain medications to help with pain and use a cold compress if you experience any swelling.
Knocked-Out Tooth
Your first reaction to an adult tooth getting knocked out may be panic. However, try to remain calm and retrieve the tooth. Be careful to only touch the crown and not the tooth root. Gently rinse off any dirt or debris that may have accumulated. Place the tooth in a cup of milk or your own saliva to help preserve it. Never try to put the tooth back in the socket by yourself. If there’s bleeding, rinse your mouth with some warm saltwater.
When you bring the tooth to your appointment, one of our experienced dentists will determine if it’s still viable for replacement. If it’s not, you don’t have to worry. Our office offers multiple options for replacing missing teeth. In particular, we recommend dental implants. They’re considered the gold standard of tooth replacement and feel the most natural in your mouth.
Broken or Missing Dental Restoration
Dental restorations tend to be made for the long haul. However, you never know when an accident can happen. If you lose or break a dental crown or filling, never try to replace it yourself. You shouldn’t use glue or anything else to try to fix it either, as you may damage your tooth. These restorations can rarely be replaced, so a new dental crown or filling will be crafted for you.
If you break a dental bridge or denture, be sure to try and accumulate all of the pieces. Bring them with you to the appointment. Your dentist will have to determine whether it’s more beneficial to repair your restoration or to craft a new one for you.
Your Dentist in Annapolis, Maryland
If you have an emergency, please call us immediately. We’re also here for your normal appointments when the pandemic restrictions are eased. Call us or schedule an appointment online!