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Archive for the ‘general dentistry’ Category


What To Do In A Dental Emergency

Accidents happen. Sometimes teeth can get knocked out during a sports game, or you may loose or break a dental restoration. In these emergency situations, it is important to know what steps to take to help prevent further damage to…


Halloween Candy And Crowns And Fillings

Halloween can be a fun holiday to get dressed up and enjoy a costume themed parties with friends and family. Holiday signature cocktails and creepy eats are fun to make, and even more fun to consume. It is inevitable that…


Fighting Tooth Decay

Tooth decay and cavities affect most patients at some point in their lives. Children and adults are equally susceptible to decay, which is the result of harmful bacteria making their way into the crevices in our teeth, filled by sugars…


Oral Health And Halitosis

Do you suffer with persistent bad breath? Is your bad breath affecting personal and professional interaction? Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be the result of many things, including what you ate for dinner! However, if you have persistent…


Keep Your Smile Healthy

Dental health can have a huge impact on the overall quality of life and wellbeing. This is why it is so important to maintain good oral health and to visit Dr. Albert Lee, Dr. Thomas Bonfiglio, Dr. Edward Vesely, Dr.…


Screening For Oral Cancer

We have all heard the phrase “the eyes are the window to the soul.” This is also true of the mouth, which is a window into the state of your overall health. During a routine visit to our Annapolis, MD…


Back to School Cavity Prevention..

As parents, the end of summer marks the beginning of back-to-school preparation. This includes school supply shopping, summer reading, and visits with your child’s doctor and dentist to ensure that he or she is healthy for the upcoming school year.…


Reduce Your Risk of Oral Cancer With Screening

This month take a moment to assess you oral cancer risk and make sure you have a routine dental appointment scheduled with Annapolis dentists Lee, Bonfiglio, Vesely & Associates, which includes an oral cancer screening. Oral cancer continues to be…


The real truth about Fluoride

With many erroneous articles floating around on the Internet regarding Fluoride, Annapolis, MD dentists Drs. Albert Lee, Thomas Bonfiglio, Edward Vesely, and Eva Malinowski would like to provide their patients with truthful information. Fluoride is a mineral that helps to…

Articles by: Lee, Bonfiglio, Vesely & Associates


Annapolis Top Dentist Award 2021
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